What do you need to do when you want to start a business? Individual An individual whether resident or non-resident is required to visit a nearby Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) office (regional, district, or tax centers) and fill Tax Identification…
1. Introduction Export refers to the shipment of goods produced from one country to another. In a country of destination, an export becomes an import. Produce in this context refers to the manufacturing of goods from a country of origin.…
Share Transfer shall in no way be taken synonymously as the transmission of shares, the two terminologies are quite different from each other and refer to two different processes of transferring the ownership of shares in the company. Share Transfer…
The ownership of a private limited company is determined by the shareholding of the Company. To induct new investors or transfer ownership of the Company, the share of the private limited company would have to be transferred. A private limited…
The strength of a land title in Tanzania may define the validity and security of an entire project, with significant implications on its bankability as a whole. Large areas of land in Tanzania are unsurveyed village land and foreign entities…
Although the United Republic of Tanzania is a union between Tanzania Mainland (formerly Tanganyika) and Zanzibar, some matters do not fall within the ambit of the Union. Matters related to intellectual property, for instance, fall outside the scope of the…
This Q&A gives an overview of the key issues in establishing a business in Tanzania, including the available business vehicles and their applicable formalities; corporate governance structures and requirements; foreign investment incentives and restrictions; currency regulations; and tax and employment…
1. Introduction Export refers to the shipment of goods produced from one country to another. In a country of destination, an export becomes an import. Produce in this context refers to the manufacturing of goods from a country of origin.…
In the wake of economic globalization, we continue to witness a flow of Foreign Investors into the United Republic of Tanzania. In Tanzania like in any other jurisdiction, the land remains the foremost vital natural resource and is most jealously…
On the 14th day of May 2021, the Minister for Industry and Trade issued detailed procedures for submissions of information of beneficial owners vide the Companies (Beneficial Ownership) Regulations, 2021 (the Regulations). The Regulations impose a mandatory obligation for companies…